I will be offering Art Classes one day a week this Fall!
More information will be posted about the classes in July. But here is a little heads up on what to expect.
- Unfortunately I will not be in a bigger house this Summer (or the fall- as it is looking) so I won't have access to my Kiln until the weather cools down. (Sorry, clay is so fun and messy- but please plan on clay classes after the NEW Year.) I don't want to get any hopes up, but if there is any possibility of clay before then I will send you all an e-mail so you won't miss out! And it will be posted on the blog.
- This will be a "unit" of classes based on the Elements of Art, so plan on attending all of the classes offered.
- There will be 4 or 5 classes in this unit.
- Classes will be held on Monday's after School
- Sign up will start after the class descriptions are posted on the blog.